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Business Description
DCSC provides youth a pathway for tomorrow’s careers through the integration of learning opportunities that will connect classroom education to industry preparation. Benefits to Students build a resume for career portfolio, and/or college/scholarship applications received paid on-the-job training develop skill-sets in their career field complete advanced coursework in a specific career field earn credit for prior learning at the technical college or University earned a recognized skills certificate of occupational proficiency from the State of Wisconsin
Career Opportunities
In Dane County:
-Software Developer
-Tractor Trailer Driver
-Registered Nurses
Top YA Opportunities:
-Health Care - CNA
About Our Exhibit
We'll have a photo booth of your future career path, so you can see how your interests change over the next four years!
Stop by and Learn about Youth Apprenticeship...
Why work a Job when you can start your "career" in High School!
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